Walking Counts As Working Out!

First things first. Being fit, in shape, having defined muscles, pounding weights at the gym, training for a marathon. That is a very small window in to having an active lifestyle and most of all, moving in that way doesn’t work for every body.

Personally, I used to spend 3 hours a day at the gym. I rarely went a week without going. When I made peace with food and my body I couldn’t even hang out there without being triggered. Over the years I’ve tried sooo hard to force myself to go back and each and every time my body basically shrieks in pain. It’s like it remembers the trauma of feeling chained to the elliptical machine.

I’ve had to redefine my relationship with exercise many times and the one thing I always come back to is.

Am I having a good time?

I never force myself to move.
I don’t push myself unless it’s coming from a place of utter joy, like hiking at high altitude.
I believe ‘no pain, no gain’ is bs and is the opposite of what movement is supposed to do for your mind+body.

These days I’m walking a lot and YES it counts and is so gentle on the body. I dance on mountains too and that makes me sooo happy.

How do you like to move? Share below.



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